Restart Freelancing

· 555字 · 3分钟

I am William, I had been freelancing for years from 2007-2013, after that I come to an IT company and been CTO of them, and I started a startup company in 2015. My life changed a lot this year, and I plan to restart freelancing.

Basic Info 🔗

  • Full Stack Developer
  • 12-Years Linux User
  • New Technology Advocater
  • Community Enthusiast
  • Developer Team Leader

Experience 🔗

2007-2008: Self learning. I graduated on 2006 in Southwest Univercity of Finance and Economics, Major in Business Administation, after graduated I work for an advertisement comany and found I am not interested. I start learn programming from later 2007 and start doing small projects for friends.

2008-2013: Freelancing. I mainly work on site. have finished 200+ projects there and go an average 4.9 star review. I used to be the 8th ranking freelancer on the freelaner list of China. Some of my customers became very long-term partnership with me. One of project I did on 2011 are still maintainced by me.

2013.7-2015.4: Working for a local IT company. I apply as a senior programmer there and they accept, on 3rd day I work there, they promoted me as head of the small team I worked on. on the 30st day I work there, I was promoted to be assistant director of technology. on 3rd month I work there, I was promoted as director of technology and managed the whole technology department.

2015.5-now: Startup. I founded an internet+agriculture comapny and started our own product. The company run very well basicly, the revenue increase at 500% in 2016 than 2015. I have a 12-person team now, include designer, product manager, marketing specialist, and programmers.

Skills 🔗

I am mostly a full-stack developer. Been a freelancer for many years and did hundreds of projects made me have a very wide range of skills. Following are parts of them:

php mysql javascript html HTML5 css node.js ruby linux mac git laravel cakephp slim smarty swig ES6 react.js react native jQuery zepto mootools express.js sails.js SCSS LESS bootstrap flexbox flux redux wordpress vue.js mongodb redis web socket canvas svg hybrid app cordova bitcoin curl json REST paypal API google maps API oauth webpack grunt gulp eslint electron watir phantom responsive css

I am very confident on my programming skills, and as I have done so many projects of diffirent kinds, and also management technology team and also cofound and manage a startup comapany, I am also good at:

  • web/app tech architecting
  • tech team management
  • teach/guide new programmer to mid/senior level
  • solve hard problems

Projects 🔗

I have work on hundreds of projects, some are big, some are small. some are very complicated app, some are just simple website. Following are some samples:

Websites 🔗

  • realplayer China website

    qujiaw 1

Web APP 🔗

  • VM: an insurance lead generate system

    vm 1

  • hasLockers: a content locker system

    qujiaw 1

  • Qujiaw: a car rent platform system

    qujiaw 1

Mobile 🔗

  • SX: an online education app

    sx 1

  • YSD: a investment mobile app

    ysd 1

Others 🔗

  • Note Anywhere: a chrome extension

    Note Anywhere

Those are just a very small part of them, I have did hundreds of project, check my Profile for more info.

Testimonials 🔗

review 1

As this site need login to see my review, so I made some of my reviews screenshots:

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there are too many of them. 29 pages total.

screenshot more

I join technology and open source community, and give topic speech too
